Requirements for registration

Information mail

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

 Private Institution “Bolashaq” Academy”





The international scientific journal “Actual Problems of the Present” has a registration with the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Certificate No. 15583-F, dated September 25, 2015), subscription index 75319 in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The journal also has permission to distribute products of foreign periodicals on the territory of the Russian Federation (permission of the RP No. 78 dated July 6, 2006), subscription index 88044 in the territory of the Russian Federation (Catalog “Press of Russia” No. 000053). “Bolashaq” Academy and LLC “Scientific Digital Library” of the Russian Federation signed an agreement №75-02 / 2016 dated February 18, 2016 on the inclusion of the journal in the scientific database of the RSCI.

The international scientific journal “Actual Problems of Modernity” publishes in the open press the results of scientific research of scientists from Kazakhstan and other countries in the fields of modern sciences, according to the following subject heading (table 1).

Table 1. Thematic categories

Section RSCI (Russia)
1. Jurisprudence State and law. Jurisprudence
2. Economics Economics
3. Technical sciences
4. Pedagogy Public education. Pedagogy
5. Philology
6. Human sciences
7. Pharmacy, chemistry

The article for publication in the journal can be submitted in the Kazakh, Russian or English languages. The decision to publish is made by the editorial board of the journal after reviewing and checking anti-plagiarism in the database (originality of work is not less than 65%).

The article is accepted for publication with the scientific relevance. Rejected articles are re-reviewed by the editorial board after their processing.

To ensure the high quality of the journal’s materials, the editors ask the authors to follow the rules below when sending articles to the press.

Articles sent without following the listed rules are not considered. The frequency of publication of the magazine is once a quarter (4 times a year).

  2. The authors submit an external and internal review of a highly qualified specialist in the relevant field of science, ie doctor or candidate of science with a state diploma. Highly qualified practitioners in relevant industries who have worked in the industry for at least 20 years can also act as reviewers. For works in which the doctor of science is the author or co-author of the review is not available.
  3. The article sent to the journal is submitted by the authors on digital storage responsible for the formation of headings (table 2).

Table 2. Responsible members of the editorial board for the formation of journal headings

Title of headings Name Contact information
1. Jurisprudence candidate of laws, professor

Khan Aleksandr Leonidovich


2. Economics candidate of economic sciences, associate professor
Pimenov Alexander Vasilyevich

3. Technical sciences candidate of technical sciences, associate professor

Shashchanova Maira Balievna


4. Pedagogy doctor of pedagogical sciences, associate professor

Bokizhanova Galiya Kaskarbekovna



5. Philology master of laws, teacher
Bagdal Aibolat

6. Human sciences master of laws, teacher

Aupenova Aliya Ukuzhanovna


7. Pharmacy, chemistry master of laws, teacher

Baibulanova Aiman Asylmuratobna


  1. Requirements for the design of the article. The text of the article should be typed in the Word editor with the extension * .doc, * .docx. Size 14. Font – Times New Roman. For annotations, keywords and a list of recommended literature size 12. Page size – a standard sheet of A4. Fields – top, bottom, right and left of 20 mm. Line spacing – single.
  2. Charts, figures and tables, if necessary, or their large volume are presented in a separate file in one copy with the extension * .jpg. Figures should be clear, clean. The figures and tables in the text should be referenced. In tables, figures, formulas there should not be any discrepancies in the designation of symbols, signs.
  3. The article should be carefully edited. Special attention should be paid to the clarity and conciseness of the style, accuracy and consistency in the presentation of the material.
  4. The total volume of the article, including figures, graphs, tables and figure captions, annotations, keywords, summary (in Russian, Kazakh and English), a list of references (additionally translated into English) should be at least 6 pages, but must not exceed 10 pages, more than 6 pages of additional payment for each page (employees of the Bolashak Academy – 500 tenge, outsiders – 600 tenge, in collaboration with the employees of the Bolashak Academy – 550 tenge).
  5. The title of the article should be brief and reflect the content of the work.
  6. Annotations are prepared by the author (s) in Kazakh, Russian and English. Abstract is made in the form of a single paragraph with a volume of strictly 20-50 words; citations and abbreviations are not allowed. The abstract should briefly disclose the content of the article, and not duplicate its title.
  7. The editors reserve the right to reduce the volume of articles at their discretion. The attitude of the editors to controversial issues may be reflected in the preface or commentary on the article. If the article is rejected, the editors notify the author of this with a corresponding notification. Manuscripts and other materials of the articles are not returned.
  8. The author of the article accepted for publication undertakes to make payment to the bank account of the private institution “Bolashaq” Academy.
  9. The calculation of the cost of publication of the article depends on the volume of the article and is determined by the person responsible for the formation of the heading (tables 3 and 4 in Appendix 1).

 Payment details

To: Private institution “Bolashaq” Academy”

In the payment order specify:

For the publication of an article in the APS International Scientific Journal,

Heading “______________________________________________”;

100008, Karaganda city, Erubaev street 16

Tel: (7212) -420425, Fax: (7212) -420421

BIN 950640001690, Kbe 17, KNP 861

IIC KZ376010191000066207


JSC “Halyk Bank Kazakhstan”


All articles are presented as follows (see sample in Appendix 2):

  1. UDC index, IISTI code.
  2. Last name, first name, patronymic of all authors in full (in Russian or Kazakh and English).
  3. Contact information about the author (required email address)
  4. The full name of the organization, the country, city (in Russian or Kazakh and English). If all authors of the article work in the same institution, you may not specify the place of work of each author separately.
  5. The title of the article in capital letters.
  6. Abstract of the article (in the language in which the article was written).
  7. Keywords (not less than 7-10 words) in the language in which the article is written (in Russian or Kazakh and English)
  8. The article should contain the following main sections: introduction (relevance of the work), the main part and conclusions. References to tables, figures, formulas should be given completely in the appropriate place of the article. It is allowed to use abbreviated and conventional symbols only for units adopted in the international system of reduction of measures, physical, chemical and mathematical values, terms, etc.
  9. The list of sources used is made in the language of the article. The list of used sources is numbered in the order of references in the text. Links are placed in square brackets, for example, [3], [5-7]. References are made on the examples given (special attention should be paid to punctuation), (see Appendix 3). An abstract in English is attached to the translated list of sources used.
  10. Summary (in Kazakh and English, if the article is prepared in Russian and vice versa).
  11. List of sources used in English
  12. Brief information about the article and information about the authors and is provided on separate pages. The section “information about authors” is filled in for each author separately, if there are several authors, then the number of copies of this section should be equal to the total number of authors. (Tables 5 and 6).

Table 5. Article Information

Date of sending the article to the editor
Official E-mail of the place of work (department, etc.), which will be published in the description of the article
Names of all authors (comma separated) in Russian
(comma separated) in Kazakh
(comma separated) in English
Article name in Russian
in Kazakh
in English
Annotations in Russian (the volume is strictly 20-50 words in one paragraph)
in Kazakh (the volume is strictly 20-50 words in one paragraph)
in English (the volume is strictly 20-50 words in one paragraph)
Keywords in Russian (the volume is strictly 7-10 words)
in Kazakh (the volume is strictly 7-10 words)
in English (the volume is strictly 7-10 words)

Table 6. Information about each author of the article

Author’s name and surname (full name) in Russian
(full name) in Kazakh
(full name) in English
Author’s E-mail  
Academic degree not abbreviated in Russian
not abbreviated in Kazakh
not abbreviated in English
Position in Russian
in Kazakh
in English
Full name of the organization of the place of work (study) not abbreviated in Russian
not abbreviated in Kazakh
not abbreviated in English
Organization Address in Russian
in Kazakh
in English
“I ask you to send a copy of the magazine by mail by cash on delivery, I guarantee payment of postage costs” (please select or underline) This section is filled with authors of other cities (not Katagandy) yes no

Annex 1

Calculation of the cost of publishing an article in the International scientific journal “Actual problems of modernity” for 2019

Type of work Publication cost for teachers of the Bolashak Academy, tenge The cost of publishing articles from Kazakhstan in collaboration with the teachers of the Bolashak Academy, tenge The cost of publishing articles from Kazakhstan, tenge The cost of publishing articles of foreign and neighboring countries, tenge The cost of publishing articles of foreign and neighboring countries in collaboration with the teachers of the Bolashak Academy, tenge
Publication of an article up to 6 pages of typewritten text 3000 3500 4000 free 1500
Each additional page is more than 6 (maximum article size is up to 10 pages) 500 550 600 600 300
Drawing annotations and keywords

(at the request of the author, which should be indicated in the letter when sending the work to the editor)

Translation of annotations, keywords and information about the author into the Kazakh language Not

provided – the authors perform independently


provided – the authors perform independently


provided – the authors perform independently

free Not

provided – the authors perform independently

Digital certificate of acceptance for publication free
Co-authored the article. Fee for co-authors free
Obtaining an digital version of the publication (at the request of the author), a month after the replication of the magazine, the digital version is posted on the Academy website. free
Sending a notification with mailing number free
Obtaining an additional printed copy of the collection 2000 2500 3500 3000
The cost of sending the magazine by cash on delivery to nonresident authors of the Republic of Kazakhstan (not Karaganda residents), as well as to authors from foreign and neighboring countries, is determined depending on the postage rate for the mailing period. Information is specified by the authors responsible for the formation of headings.

Information for internal reviewers and translators into Kazakh (funded from the cost of publishing an article)

Type of work Publication cost for teachers of the Bolashak Academy, tenge The cost of publishing articles for other categories of authors, tenge
Payment to the reviewer for the analysis of the article 6 pages 1000 1000
Payment to the reviewer for analyzing the article over 6 pages for each subsequent page 200 200
Payment to the translator for the translation of abstracts, keywords and information about the author in Kazakh language to foreign authors (for 1 article) Not provided 500

Аnnex 2


УДК 376.3

МРНТИ 14.29.33

Абылгазина Дана Амангельдиевна

 Ордабаева Аймаш Билековна

КГУ «Специальный детский сад «Бөбек» для детей с ограниченными возможностями в развитии», Караганда, Республика Казахстан


В статье рассматривается использование информационно-коммуникационных технологий для коррекции нарушения языкового и речевого развития у детей.

Ключевые слова: информационно-коммуникационные технологии, дефект, коррекционный процесс, компьютерная игра, артикуляционная гимнастика

Тест   Тест   Тест   Тест   Тест   Тест   Тест     Тест  Тест   Тест   (14 шрифт)

 Список использованных источников:

1 Леонова Л. А. Дошкольник и компьютер // Москва – Воронеж,  2004. – 23 с.

2 Гаркушина Ю. Ф., Черлина Н. А., Манина Е.В. Новые информационные технологии в логопедической работе // Логопед – М., 2004. 2 с.


Әбілғазина Дана Амангелдіқызы

Ордабаева Аймаш Билекқызы

«Дамуында мүмкіншіліктері шектелген балаларға арналған «Бөбек» арнайы балабақшасы» КММ, Қарағанды, Қазақстан Республикасы


Мақалада ақпараттық-коммуникациялық технологиялардың көмегімен балалардың сөйлеу және тілік дамуының ауытқуын түзету қарастырылады.

Кілтті сөздер: ақпараттық – коммуникациялық технологиялар, ақау, түзету процесі, компьютерлік ойын, артикуляциялық жаттығулар, тыныс алу жаттығулары.

Abylgazina Dana

Ordabayevа Aimash

KSI “Special kindergarten “Bobek” for children with disabilities in development”,

Karaganda, Kazakhstan


The article discusses the use of information and communication technologies for the correction of disorders of speech and language development in children.

Keywords: information and communication technologies, defect, correction process, a computer game, articulation exercises, breathing exercises.

List of references:

  1. Leonova L.A. Preschool and computer // Moscow – Voronezh, 2004. – 23 p.
  2. Garkushin Y.F., Cherlin N.A., Manin E.V. New Information Technologies in speech therapy work // Logoped – M., 2004. 2 p.
  3. Lizunova L.R. Computer technology for the correction of general underdevelopment of speech in children of the senior preschool age // Moscow – Voronezh, 2006. – P. 56-58
  4. Bespal’ko V.P. Education and training with computers (pedagogy of the third millennium) // – Moscow – Voronezh, Publisher of phyco.-ped. Inst; Publishing house: NGO “MODEK”, 2002. – 61 p.
  5. Zhukov P.S., Mastyukova P.M., Filicheva T.B. Overcoming the general underdevelopment of speech in preschool children // book for a speech therapist. The 2nd ed., Rev. – M.: Prosveshenie, 1990. – 239 p.

ӘОК 376.3

ҒТАХР 14.29.33

 Апакова Мейрамкуль Айдархановна

 «Bolashaq” академиясы, Қарағанды, Қазақстан Республикасы


 Мақалада екі тілдегі зооним компоненті бар фразеологиялық теңеулер мен мақал-мәтелдердің адам мінез-құлқымен салыстыра отырып, екі тілдің ұқсастықтары мен айырмашылықтарын айқындалды.

Кілтті сөздер: зоонимдер, мақал-мәтелдер, теңеу, фразеологиялық бірліктер, этнолингвистика, сипаттама, салыстырмалы бірліктер, мәдениет.

Тест   Тест   Тест   Тест   Тест   Тест   Тест     Тест  Тест   (14 шрифт)

 Қолданылған әдебиеттер тізімі:

  1. Адамбаев Б. Ағылшын және қазақ мақал – мәтелдерінің құрылымдық   және мағыналық ұқсастықтары //Алматы-1996, – 17 б.
  2. Қоңыров Т. Тұрақты теңеулер сөздігі // Алматы: Арыс, 2007. – 439 б.
  3. Тысяча метких и образных выражений: казахско-русский фразеологический словарь с этнолингвистическими пояснениями // Астана, 2003. – Б. 67-69



Апакова Мейрамкуль Айдархановна

Академия «Bolashaq», Караганда, Республика Казахстан


В статье расматривается сравнительный анализ с зоонимическими компонентами двух языков на основе пословиц и поговорок. А также были выявлены сходства и различия культуры между казахским и английскими языками.

Ключевые слова: зоонимы, пословицы и поговорки, сравнение, фразеологические единицы, этнолингвистика, описание, сравнительные единицы, культура.

Apakova Meiramkul

Academy “Bolashaq”, Karaganda, Kazakhstan


The article deals with the comparative analysis of two languages with zoonim components based on proverbs and sayings. And it also revealed the similarities and differences of between the Kazakh and English cultures.

Keywords: zoonims, proverbs and sayings, comparisons, phraseological units, ethnolinguistics, description, comparison units, culture.

List of references:

  1.  Adambayev B. Kazakh and English proverbs structural and semantic similarities // Almaty, 1996 – 17 p.
  2. Konurov T. Dictionary of metaphors // Almaty, Aris, 2007. – 439 p.
  3. A Thousand figurative expressions: Kazakh-Russian phraseological dictionary with ethno-linguistic explanations // Astana, 2003. – P. 67-69


Әбілғазина Дана Амангелдіқызы, логопед, «Дамуында мүмкіншіліктері шектелген балаларға арналған «Бөбек» арнайы балабақшасы» КММ, Қарағанды, Қазақстан Республикасы;

Абдикаликова Мейраш, тәрбиеші, КМҚК «Балақай», Қарағанды, Қазақстан Республикасы;

Алишев Болат Жаманбаевич, кафедра меңгерушісі, Қарағанды мемлекеттік теникалық университет, Қарағанды, Қазақстан Республикасы.


 Абилгазина Дана Амангелдиевна, логопед, КГУ «Специальный детский сад «Бөбек» для детей с ограниченными возможностями в развитии», Караганда, Республика Казахстан;

Абдикаликова Мейраш, воспитатель, КГКП «Балақай» Караганда, Республика Казахстан;

Алишев Болат Жаманбаевич, зав. кафедрой, Карагандинский государственный технический университет, Караганда, Республика Казахстан.


Abylgazina Dana, speech therapist, KSI “Special kindergarten “Bobek” for children with disabilities in development”, Karaganda, Kazakhstan;

Abdikalikova Maras, teacher MSPE Kindergarten «Балақай», Karaganda, Kazakhstan;

Alishev Bolat Amanbaevich, head of department, Karaganda state technical University, Karaganda, Kazakhstan.

 Приложение 3.



Статьи из журналов и сборников:

  1. Адорно Т.В. К логике социальных наук // Вопр. Философии. – 1992. -№ 10. – С. 76-86.
  2. Crawford P.J. The reference librarian and business professor: a strategic alliance that works/ P.J.Crawford, T.P.Barrett // Ref.Libr. – 1997. 3, № 58. – P.75-85.
  3. Заголовок записи в ссылке может содержать имена одного, двух или трех авторов документа. Имена авторов, указанные в заголовке, могут не повторяться в сведениях об ответственности.
  4. Crawford P.J. Barrett T.P. The reference librarian and business professor: a strategic alliance that works // Ref.Libr. – 1997. 3, №58. – P.75-85.
  5. Если авторов четыре и более, то заголовок не применяют
  6. Корнилов В.И. Турбулентный пограничный слой на теле вращения при периодическом вдуве-отсосе // Теплофизика и аэромеханика. – 2006. – Т. 13, № 3. – С. 369-385.
  7. Кузнецов А.Ю., Консорциум — механизм организации подписки на электронные ресурсы // Российский фонд фундаментальных исследований: десять лет служения российской науке. – М.: Науч.мир, 2003. – С. 340-342.


  1. Тарасова В.И. Политическая история Латинской Америки: учеб.для вузов. – 2-е изд. — М.: Проспект, 2006. – С 305-412.
  2. Допускается предписанный знак точку и тире, разделяющий области библиографического описания, заменять точкой.
  3. Философия культуры и философия науки: проблемы и гипотезы: межвуз. сб.науч.тр./ Сарат. гос. ун-т, 1999. – 199 с.
  4. Допускается не использовать квадратные скобки для сведений, заимствованных не из предписанного источника информации.
  5. Райзберг Б.А., Современный экономический словарь / Б.А.Райзберг, Л.Ш.Лозовский, Е.Б.Стародубцева. -5-е изд., перераб. и доп. -М.: ИНФРА-М, 2006. – 494 с.
  6. Заголовок записи в ссылке может содержать имена одного, двух или трех авторов документа. Имена авторов, указанные в заголовке, не повторяются в сведениях об ответственности. Поэтому:
  7. Райзберг Б.А., Лозовский Л.Ш., Стародубцева Е.Б. Современный экономический словарь. 5-е изд., перераб. и доп. М.: ИНФРА-М, 2006. 494 с.


  1. Глухов В.А. Исследование, разработка и построение системы электронной доcтавки документов в библиотеке: Автореф.дис.канд.техн.наук. – Новосибирск, 2000. – 18 с.


  1. Фенухин В.И. Этнополитические конфликты в современной России: на примере Северо-Кавказского региона: дис. … канд.полит.наук. – М., 2002. – С. 54-55.

 Аналитические обзоры:

  1. Экономика и политика России и государств ближнего зарубежья: аналит.обзор, апр. 2007 / Рос.акад.наук, Ин-т мировой экономики и междунар.отношений. – М.: ИМЭМО, 2007. – 39 с.


  1. Патент КР №2000130511/28, 04.12.2000.
  2. Еськов Д.Н., Бонштедт Б.Э., Корешев С.Н., Лебедева Г.И., Серегин А.Г. Оптико-электронный аппарат // Патент Казахстана №2122745. Бюл. №33.

 Материалы конференции

  1. Археология: история и перспективы: сб.ст. Первой межрегион.конф., Ярославль, 2003. 350 с.
  2. Марьинский Д.М. Разработка ландшафтного плана как необходимое условие устойчивого развития города (на примере Тюмени) // Экология ландшафта и планирование землепользования: тезисы докл.Всерос.конф. (Иркутск, 11-12 сент.2000 г.). – Новосибирск, 2000. – С. 125-128.


  1. Официальные периодические издания: электронный путеводитель / Рос. нац. б-ка, Центр правовой информации. [Спб.], 20052007. URL: lawcenter/izd/ index.htmi (дата обращения: 18.01.2007).
  2. Логинова Л.Г. Сущность результата дополнительного образования детей // Образование: исследовано в мире: междунар.науч.пед.интернет-журн. 21.10.03. URL:
  3. (дата обращения: 17.04.07).
  4. (дата обращения: 20.02.2007)
  5. Рынок тренингов Новосибирска: своя игра [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа:
  6. (дата обращения: 17.10.08).
  7. Литчфорд Е.У. С Белой Армией по Сибири [Электронный ресурс] // Восточный фронт Армии Генерала А.В.Колчака: сайт. – URL: (дата обращения 23.08.2007).